Saturday, April 10

I'm not quite sure what to make of this.

I've spent the past week setting up the new filing system for new contracts, and ran across something incredibly disturbing. I thought that maybe I was seeing things, and didn't say anything.
So, I went back today, looked through all of the new contracts, and used the excuse that the closed contracts would be easier to sort through to find at need if we filed them under the same system to look through those, too.

I'm really glad now that I didn't say anything. Because I'm pretty sure I'm right.

There have been an awful lot of contracts taken out on people who work in the political futures market within the last six months. A lot of them. With little things put into the files as justification: this one has extremely violent sexual tastes (though, so far, they've been merely expensive tastes, not illegal), and that one has had one DWI in his life that caused an accident (with no one besides a telephone pole hurt, much less killed). Another one may have bribed a politician before it was legal (after all, he was a lobbyist).

Thin reasons. All of them. That's a huge risk for the clients.

Who are all younger than I am.

I'm getting a little worried, here. My brother-in-law is one of the big names in the futures market--owner and president of the first Fortune 500 company that deals solely in political futures.

And even better, my fiance is a (spectacularly less successful) day trader of political futures. Who insists on driving the same route every day, dropping me off and picking me up directly outside my building.

I'm...going to have to think about how best to handle this. I'm pretty sure I can get my brother-in-law to hire protection (and hire who I tell him to), and carry a gun.

My fiance already thinks I'm paranoid. It's caused fights in the past. I only hope I can win this one without losing him.

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